Crossbeam BigQuery Terms and Privacy Notice

These Crossbeam BigQuery Terms and Privacy Notice (“BigQuery Terms”) govern your use of Crossbeam’s BigQuery integration and are a contract between Crossbeam, Inc. (“Crossbeam”, “we” or “us”) and the person or organization using the Crossbeam BigQuery integration  (“you”). Certain capitalized terms are defined contextually in these BigQuery Terms. Please read these BigQuery Terms carefully.

  1. Purpose and Scope of Use. The purpose of Crossbeam’s BigQuery outbound integration (the “BigQuery Integration”) is to enable a Crossbeam customer to export their Crossbeam customer data to the Customer’s instance of the Google BigQuery data warehouse platform and to update the Crossbeam customer data in that instance on an ongoing basis. In order to establish an OAuth 2.0 connection for the BigQuery Integration, you must either use a Google service account or you must authenticate as a Google user. This authentication does not result in any Google user data being processed, stored or used in any way by Crossbeam. No Google user data is used in connection with the Crossbeam BigQuery Integration.
  2. General. These BigQuery Terms are the parties’ entire agreement and supersede any prior or contemporaneous agreements relating to its subject matter (i.e. the BigQuery Integration). These Terms are a separate agreement from, and do not amend or modify, the Crossbeam Terms which apply to the use of Crossbeam. All amendments or modifications must be in writing and signed by both parties. The words “including” and similar terms are to be construed without limitation. Failure to enforce any provision is not a waiver and all waivers must be in writing. If any provision is found to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable, it will be limited to the minimum extent necessary so the rest of these BigQuery Terms remain in effect. Crossbeam may assign these BigQuery Terms and its rights and obligations to any of its affiliates or in connection with a merger, reorganization, acquisition or other transfer of all or substantially all of its assets or voting securities to which these BigQuery Terms relate. The parties are independent contractors and these Terms do not create any agency, partnership, or joint venture. These BigQuery Terms are governed by the laws of the State of New York and the United States without regard to conflicts of laws provisions and without regard to the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods. The jurisdiction and venue for actions related to this Agreement will be the state and United States federal courts located in New York County, New York State and both parties submit to the personal jurisdiction of those courts.